Here’s a note from Kate Crowley, Chair Elect:

Dear Girls CAN! member:

I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself.  Presently I serve as Board Secretary for the Girl Scouts in the Heart of Pennsylvania, a position I have held since the council was created in May 2007.  Prior to that, I served on the board of one of the legacy councils.  I am truly honored to now be nominated to be the next GSHPA board chair.  There is no doubt that we still have challenges ahead but with your help and ongoing passion for our organization and indeed, for all the girls we serve, we can meet those challenges head on.

The membership will consider the entire slate of nominations at the upcoming GSHPA Annual Meeting on Saturday, May 2, 2009.  The event will be held at the Bloomsburg Fairgrounds from 10:30 am until 3:00 pm.  In addition to our business meeting, we are planning a reunion picnic lunch, a special adult volunteer recognition program, a bridging ceremony for graduating senior Girl Scouts, and of course lots of fun with friends and other loyal Girl Scout supporters like yourself.    

So, won’t you consider joining us on May 2nd.  Everyone on the board would be delighted to have you attend.  A link to the registration form can be found at

If you are unable to attend, we will certainly miss you but we promise to keep you apprised of all the exciting things going on with Girl Scouts in the Heart of Pennsylvania!

Kate Crowley

[The following is from Anne M. Reitzes, our Chief Operating Officer.  If anyone is interested, please contact Anne directly.]

Hi Rod,

We have a few spots available for CAN volunteers that would like to join the GSHPA Scholarship Committee. 
Those that are interested would be asked to help review the girl applications and select the scholarship recipients. 
The scholarship committee will meet the evening of May 20th in Pine Grove to select the recipients. 
Prior to that meeting the committee members will review the applications on their own so that the face to face committee meeting is focused on selecting the final recipients.

Would you mind forwarding this information to the CAN distribution list? 
Any CAN volunteer that is interested in serving on this committee this year should contact me.

Thank you, Rod!


Anne M. Reitzes, M.Ed.
Chief Operating Officer
Girl Scouts in the Heart of Pennsylvania
Harrisburg Service Center | 350 Hale Avenue | Harrisburg, PA 17104
Toll Free: 800.692.7816 x1003 | Fax: 717.234.5097